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to Oct 31

Halloween Event: Choose Your Spooky Outcome #5

  • Google Calendar ICS

Almost time again for the site's annual Halloween Event, a Choose Your Spooky Outcome story. As a reminder for how this works: the story will run from October 19th – October 31st (13 days of Halloween). Every night I'll post the newest chapter, along with a poll for you to make your decisions. Polls close at Noon CST on the following day, after which your collective choice is locked and I will write the next installment. Post goes up at night, rinse, lather, repeat.

Also something to keep in mind: This tale has running continuity with outcomes shaped by your decisions! So if you don't want to wonder who the hell these people are, be sure to brush up on the past entries. You can read the first year here, second year here, the third year here and the fourth year here

See you all on the 19th for #5!

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8:00 AM08:00

Past SP Books Leave Site

As I've mentioned a few times, as we near the end of SP: Year 4 and I have to look ahead to the e-book market, there is going to be a period where the older books have to come down off the site to enter Kindle Unlimited. In order to do the promos and build interest for the series finale, I'll need to have the others in KU, so this is a temporary necessity.

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