Cons, Content, and Covid’s Impact

                First off, I’ll let you all know this is going to be a lot more of a “meat and potatoes” post rather than entertainment. A bit self-indulgent, but necessary to keep everyone in the loop from time to time. Today, amidst the chaos of a slowly lifting lockdown (in Texas as a whole, I’m still hunkered down) it seemed like a good moment to address the coming months ahead, as best I can.



                As the title suggests, we’ll open up with cons. As of this posting, I currently have 3 conventions on my schedule: Amazing Con (Vegas, June 26th - 28th), Authors & Dragons Con (Nashville, August 14th – 16th), and Emerald City Comic Con (Seattle, August 21st – 23rd). I’ve also applied to Rose City Comic Con, although no word back on that front.

                Now, how many of those will actually happen is anyone’s guess. The only one I have some control over is Authors & Dragons Con, and in that regard we’re going to following whatever the medical guidelines at the time are. But, as of the moment, they are all still on the docket. Whether or not you feel comfortable booking travel is entirely up to your discretion, I certainly can’t make any guarantees on what each con decides. All I can say is that if the cons are held (and are upholding proper safety protocols) then I still intend to be there.

                With that said, the virus situation does mean I’m going to have to change certain con behaviors. Handshakes, hugs, and high-fives must all be of the air-variety, meaning there’s substantial distance between the moving limbs. I am still happy to be in pictures, but we’re going to have to use a wider frame, as huddling up is no longer possible. Basically, I won’t be able to cross the table anymore, be it with a limb or my whole body. It’s not my intent to be rude, however with some of my arthritis meds I can’t afford to take chances on getting sick.

                However, only actual proximity is an issue. I am still more than happy to sign books/bookmarks/whatever you have on hand and make conversation. I love going to cons and getting to meet you folks, something I’d very much like to continue doing. We just have to keep things safe so that I can continue showing up for years to come.



                If you haven’t already read my most recent Yearly Wrap-Up, you’ll want to check that out, as it holds my planned 2020 book release schedule, which this next session will be touching on. Luckily, there isn’t a tremendous amount to report on that front just yet.

                While I do work from home and haven’t been totally knocked off-kilter by the situation, there have still been some hurdles that slowed work progress. Villains Code #2 has it’s rough draft done and is resting before I start revisions, since I like to give myself a bit of time between readings. 5-Minute Sherlock #2 is in the works, and I expect to have it over to Audible on schedule, though any timeline after that is out of my hands. Fred #7 is the first place schedule drift will be seen, as I’m expecting it to be ready closer to the end of the year than mid-fall. Spells, Swords, & Stealth #5 will still be started in 2020, but there is absolutely no way it will be ready in that span, moving it out to a definite 2021 project.

                So outside of how my content will be impacted, this also seemed like a chance to do a compilation of all the content I’m part of creating, for the folks out there looking to fill their lockdown hours:

-To start with the one I think most of you have heard about by now: Authors & Dragons is a game where I DM several other comedy-fantasy writers (Robert Bevan, John Hartness, Rick Gualtieri, Steve Wetherell, and Joseph Brassey) in an authentic (read: poorly played game) of Dungeons & Dragons.

-A&D also has some other off-shoots, such as Side Quests, featuring interviews with talents such as Kirby Heyborne and Scott Meyer. Not to mention, Authors & Dragons At the Movies, where we talk loudly over a fairly bad movie.

-For our video/Youtube fans, Steve Wetherell and I have over a dozen hours of content as a pair of Tauren bumbling about World of Warcraft in the Adventure Brodeo.


                I’ll keep you all posted as things change and new information on where the situation will be comes to light. Keep an eye on the Events page, as I’m pretty fastidious about keeping that up-to-date. Until things clear up, hope you and yours are staying safe!