Halloween 2022: Choose Your Spooky Outcome: Chapter 4 (Dead End)

                “Splitting up sounds like a rookie move,” you announce. “Let’s go out there and face him together!”

                “Why wait?”

                The words are softly spoken, what some might call a whisper, but the avalanche of noise on their heels is another matter. Ghouls come bursting through the walls and windows. Jim is tackled to the ground with his hand still stuck in his duffel bag, Thad pins a pair of monsters against a wall with his fridge, and Pumpkin is smashing heads with her wooden weapon. Victoria stands near you, blood staining her costume-covering cloak as her nails cut through limbs and necks with ease.

                Your friends are skilled and powerful in their own right, unfortunately, they are also only four people. Every second, more ghouls rip into the home, surrounding you all. A scream from the ground where Jim fell is the first, then a short-lived yelp from Pumpkin before she vanishes under a tide of pale arms and crooked teeth. Thad’s powerful swings keep the horde at bay for a time, but once they commit to rushing him, even his fridge can’t halt them all.

                With inevitable death creeping nearer, you look to Victoria, still slashing like a woman possessed. Her ferocity and determination are a sight to be admired, which you do. Pumpkin said you weren’t free yet, so there’s no reason death should stop you now, but nothing seems sure since that key was thrust into your chest.

                Strong hands grab at your limbs, ripping and biting, your gaze locked on Victoria. If this is your final farewell, there are worse sights than seeing someone you care about fight to keep you safe in this…

Dead End
But Then…

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